Monday, February 8, 2010

Count it down

Once I'm done with my licensing and comprehensive exams, I'm going to do things that I have been pushing aside for oh so long. I'm going to lose weight, hang out with friends, decorate my apt, finish unpacking (its been a month and some things are still in boxes), update my resume, start applying for jobs, write a meaningful worthwhile blog entry, etc etc!

After March 13th, I will pretty much be in heaven. CAN'T WAIT.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

To delete or not to delete

That is the question.. for most of my posts.

Sometimes I just have zero inhibition, I tell ya. There are two kinds of people that truly speak their mind: 1) really smart people and 2) really fuckin stupid people. I, unfortunately, fall into the latter. Maybe, just maybe, if I thoroughly think through what I'm going to say before all that projectile word vomit, things would be different, and I would feel better. And yes, I too noticed that I went comma crazy for a second there.

Seems like I've become proficient at putting my foot in my mouth. From almost being fired at work to portraying myself as grossly incompetent at practicum to creating rocky waters for my relationship with my boyfriend. It's just been a constant decline in so many aspects of my life and I believe I'm fully responsible for it.

And I'm really gonna continue that previous blog once problems stop popping up everywhere! This is frustrating.

Oh, and speaking of deleting, you know what I should delete? My facebook. Shit is so distracting, and studying was such a fail; I only read 30 pages out of my goal of 100 tonight. Seriously, I must deactivate it and keep it deactivated for at least 24 hours, this is ridic. I'm far too intrigued by others. Why can't I be as interested in my study material? :/

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