Monday, April 26, 2010

Cover letter!?

I can't believe how much more stressful job hunting became when I realized I sent my resume out to multiple employers without a cover letter. And now that I'm really doing my research and honing in on the topic, all I see written on every site is Never send a resume without a cover letter. So fail.

Some of the responses from my amateur emails actually reveal a glimmer of hope though. I can't help but think... man.. there's no way that I will have applied to all these places and absolutely no one wants me lol. Trying really hard to keep that chin up. Some things are actually starting to look promising. I try to comfort myself by flashing the constant reminder that I haven't even graduated yet and I haven't applied to that many places so it's okay to not have anything set in stone yet. It's okay. IT'S OKAY.

Damnit but stupid cover letter. Shit done ruined my day.

Finding peace of mind is so hard these days..

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