Monday, December 7, 2009

You win some, you lose some

Man, of course I screwed up that exam. That's what happens when you skip half the classes & don't study. What on earth was I doing last night instead of cracking open my books? Well, lets see.. Facebook... TV... cleaning (ish).... napping.... eating.... trying on clothes I haven't worn in a long time... painting my nails... online shopping... unfortunately, the list is endless.

One more exam & then I'm busting outtaa herree. I can't decide whether I should study tonight or watch movies. Decisions decisions.

Around 3AM (thanks 5-hour energy shot for keeping me up so damn late) while messing with my phone, my finger slipped & I ended up with an awkward situation that I wasn't all too sure how to fix? My heart was racing last night after I realized what I had done (lol I make it sound so dramatic -- it's really not). Earlier today I somewhat managed to undo it.. but did I? I don't know. I was gonna contact the person involved in this mess up, but I'm sure that has 'no reply' written all over it.. so I'm left to wonder. I cannot believe how often I let such petty issues rule my life. And F you Google, for dropping unnecessary problems on my lap.

Anyway. I am switching apts.. and... rent is going to be very expensive at the other one. But it's so much nicer than my current apt.. and I get to bring my cat, Bambam =) LOVE YOU BABY, JUST TOUGH IT OUT IN MCALLEN A FEW MORE WEEKS.

Speaking of pets, my parents gave Lucky away. It's a good thing they gave him to a family friend, otherwise I would be really upset. We will be reunited with him on Christmas coz tita is letting us borrow him for that week. What a handsome dog; he used to look like such a bum.. total 180. I miss him.

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