Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good riddance, LA Fitness

Cancelled my membership & Dec 11th is my last day to use all of their blissful amenities. Not! Stupid gym caused nothing but weight gain -- not from muscle mass either because my body fat percentage did not go down a single damn digit.

Anne, if you're reading this -- thanks for being my workout buddy :) It really helped to have someone to talk to on the treadmill/elliptical/bike (even though talking while exercising is abusive to our voices..!? lol). I will miss watching your personal trainer sessions. lol. You need to blog, ma'am!

Anyway, I went today to get some cardio in. On my way out, one of the employees asked me why I wasn't gonna do weight training today & he pretty much told me that the employees get a hoot out of watching me adjust the machines coz I'm so short. Really. I don't know whether to feel cool or embarrassed for being noticed for that?

On a side note, I like how it snowed for 10 minutes then the sun came out & shattered my hopes and dreams..!? Oh well.

On another side note, I'm back in a job at the daycare. I know I said I didn't want to have a job but.. I had to find other ways to keep busy besides shopping.

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