Friday, November 20, 2009


Stupid rain woke me up even earlier than usual. I was debating staying up versus getting that extra hour of sleep. The only reason why I wouldn't choose the latter is because I'd be terrified of not waking up in time. I'm so lame. Man It's going to be a constant battle with the sleepies today.

Fridays are my most hectic day, being at my internship from 7am-3pm. I don't know how I lasted 8 hours in a classroom back in grade/middle/high school. It's so draining.

It's going to rain all weekend. That's.. perfect :) because I planned on staying in to study/catchup on work all weekend :) Oh my timing is impeccable. I've been exponentially more social this month than any other, and I'm so glad I've gotten to see so much more of my girlfriends.. but I'm tired of going out coz it's getting exhausting and expensive. I don't have the energy nor money to throw around anymore. Come to think of it, I never really had the money to begin with & I'm always struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes I wish I had a job.. but then other times, I'm so incredibly thankful that I don't. I need as much "me time" as I can get. Besides, when I graduate in 6 months (!!!), I'll be earning significantly more money than any job I could possibly land right now. I guess I'm just gonna bury myself further in debt. Oh well..

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