Saturday, March 13, 2010


Seriously, I am viewing everything in a completely different light. I am done with comprehensive exams (granted that I passed...), and I feel absolutely wonderful. For the next 3 weeks, I will be waiting in suspense & praying that all went well.

A new beginning is in order.

So I've decided -- for now -- to stay in Dallas for my clinical fellowship year (CFY -- 9 months). It's still a subconscious battle between McAllen and Dallas, and I probably won't know for sure until I step off that stage in May (actually, I can't guarantee that I'll even know then), but I've pretty much tossed the ideas of living anywhere else. Houston and SA are maybes, but leaning more towards no's. Starting over is hard. It's going to be a rough transition from being a student to being an adult; I don't know if I wanna take on an additional burden of being in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces. Comfort zones, please!

I shouldn't go too in-depth with life post-graduation just yet, because I don't even feel confident enough to say that I passed Comps.

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